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The key to essential training - Panellists presentations

Thank you to all who attended the recent webinar event host by AITT. As promised, we have edited and cropped the presentations from our speakers into 4 useful on demand video, available via our YouTube channel as well as the full event.


  • Full webinar event

Watch the full webinar (The Key to Essential Training) by clicking on the below link 


  • Liam Knight, Technical Manager at AITT

Liams presentation focuses on the truck catagorieation, what to to look for on certification to ensure it is suitable, and how to assess training requirements.


  • Gary Rowland, Group Compliance Training Manager

Garys presentation explain how Greencore identified there potential problems, and how they tackled these, with the use of data, auditing and standardisation of training. 


  • David Lee, HM Specialist Inspector of Health & Safety Mechanical Engineering Group

David highlights the role the HSE play, within workplace transport. He gives us an insight in to the correct legislation use by the HSE, typical investigations, and some examples of recent fines issued. 


  • Simon Ambridge, Risk and compliance Manager

Simon explain how Matthew clark have adopted a robust auditing and observational exercise, and how they have engaged with there operators to make improvements.