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Application For Membership - Business

The Association of Industrial Truck Trainers (AITT) will consider applications for membership from companies, instructors of lift trucks and construction equipment and others who have an interest in improving the standards of safety and training for operators.

Applications will be submitted to the incumbent AITT council for approval. Approval for membership may take up to 5 working days.

We plan to provide accredited training from our organisation.

I hereby apply business membership of the AITT and agree to abide by the Association’s Constitution, rules and regulations.

Has the company ever been banned/suspended/removed from any other accreditation bodies within the ABA?

I understand that this application for membership will be considered by the Council of the AITT and, if it accepted, I will be notified of the grade and the membership subscription due.

Please accept 'Yes" below, as a signature of your acknowledgement of the application.

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