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New tutor re-registration scheme

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new re-registration process for AITT CAT 4 tutors that will provide greater flexibility whilst ensuring consistently high training standards.

AITT Technical Manager Jules Cook explains: “CAT 4 tutors deliver training courses to instructors around the UK who then go on to train workplace transport operators. Tutors must re-register every 5 years, and previously, that required them to attend the very same courses they themselves conduct. But this costs tutors a lot of money and several days that they could otherwise be spending on teaching. If the tutors are self-employed, they’re losing out on business.

“To make the registration process much more efficient, AITT is now offering an alternative in the form of a CPD passport scheme. Tutors will be able to fill in a PDF document with details of all the courses they deliver, as well as the dates they were audited. The digital passport is reviewed every year, and if it meets our criteria, it is validated and removes the need to attend a course.

“The passport is available to those who conduct a minimum of 20 days of instructor training a year. For example, that could be two 10-day courses, four 5-day courses, or a mixture. If the tutor does not conduct sufficient instructor training courses, they do not qualify to use the passport scheme and must attend a re-registration course.

“The new process is active as of now. Tutors can use it going forward, or if they can provide evidence of training courses conducted over the past 5 years, they can complete their passport for re-registrations coming up soon.

“The aim of this process is to offer more options for our tutors when it comes to re-registrations. So whether you are self-employed, from a small company, or a big one, we have a re-registration process that will suit you.”

The new scheme offers greater convenience, but importantly, it is designed to ensure that all tutors have the appropriate skills and knowledge to correctly train instructors.

AITT Managing Director Liam Knights says: “The quality of transport training starts at the top. The tutors must be able to train instructors according to the right standards because those instructors will then go on to train potentially hundreds of operators. There is a serious ripple effect and information has to be spread consistently throughout the training chain. It is imperative that operators learn how to use equipment safely and effectively, but they rely on the guidance given to them on their training courses. At AITT we’re always looking for ways to enhance the training process wherever possible to support the sector.”

AITT will also be requiring CAT 4 tutors to be trained first aiders, and will be providing tutors with the opportunity to attend a first aid course for free in their first year. Jules Cook notes: “Having a trainer who is also a first aider adds an extra level of safety, and if something were to happen during a course, they have the skills to act immediately.”

The new registration scheme is just the first part in a programme of activity AITT plans to roll out this year. Liam Knight adds: “We listen to the feedback of our members and this new registration scheme is something the industry has been crying out for. But we’re not only supporting tutors. We have lots of plans in place to improve processes for many stakeholders in the training sector, be they instructors or operators.”

For more information on becoming an AITT tutor, call 01530 810867.